read the atmosphere



〈論文メモ〉Heymann(2009)Climate science – how did it come about?

Matthias Heymann, 2009, Climate science – how did it come about?. in Mickey Gjerris, Christian Gamborg, Jørgen E. Olesen, Jakob Wolf (eds.), Earth on fire―Climate change from a philosophical and ethical perspective, pp.55-67. 〈註〉この文…

〈書籍メモ〉The Creation of Global Imaginaries: The Antarctic Ozone Hole and the Isoline Tradition in the Atmospheric Sciences

Sebastian Grevsmühl, 2014, The Creation of Global Imaginaries: The Antarctic Ozone Hole and the Isoline Tradition in the Atmospheric Sciences, in Birgit Schneider and Thomas Nocke (eds.), Image Politics of Climate Change, Transcript Verlag…

〈論文メモ〉Hulme and Mahony(2010)Climate change: what do we know about the IPCC?

Hulme,M. and Mahony,M. (2010) Climate change: what do we know about the IPCC?. Progress in Physical Geography, 34(5): 705-718 〈註〉IPCCに関するこれまでの研究をまとめたレビュー論文。IPCCを主として知識のアセスメントに関する社会科学的な論点…

〈論文メモ〉Agrawala(1999)Early science—policy interactions in climate change:lessons from the Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases

Agrawala S,1999, Early science-policy interactions in cmate change: lessons from the Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases. Global Environmental Change 9: 157–169. 1. Introduction 2. Two advisory models from the global climate regime 3. Clima…

〈記事メモ〉Rodhe(1991)Bert Bolin and his Scientific Career

Henning Rodhe, 1991, Bert Bolin and his Scientific Career. Tellus B, vol.43, Issue 4, p.3-7 バート・ボリンは1925年5月15日、スウェーデンのニーショーピングで生まれた。彼の両親はどちらも教師だった。ウプサラ大学の気象学コースで学んだ父に触発さ…

〈書籍メモ〉〈Image Politics of Climate Change〉The Colour of Risk: An Exploration of the IPCC’s “Burning Embers” Diagram

今年4月に出た"Image Politics of Climate Change"のchapter 2に収録されている論文だが、以下に示す論文の再掲になっている。 Mahony,M. and Hulme,M. (2012) The colour of risk: an exploration of the IPCC’s ‘burning embers’ diagram Spontaneous Gene…

〈書籍メモ〉〈Simulating Nature〉第3章 科学シミュレーションの不確実性の分類わけ

Chapter 3: A Typology of Uncertainty in Scientific Simulation 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Locations of Simulation Uncertainty 3.3 The Nature of Simulation Uncertainty 3.4 The Range of Simulation Uncertainty 3.5 Recognised Ignorance in Simulation …