read the atmosphere





〈論文メモ〉Robin et al.(2014)Three galleries of the Anthropocene

Libby Robin, Dag Avango, Luke Keogh, Nina Möllers, Bernd Scherer, and Helmuth Trischler (2014) Three galleries of the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene Review 1: 207-224. doi:10.1177/2053019614550533 The Anthropocene at the Deutsches Museum, …

〈論文メモ〉Cameron(2011)Museums and science centres as sites for deliberative democracy on climate change

Fiona Cameron, Ann Deslandes, 2011, Museums and science centres as sites for deliberative democracy on climate change. museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 136-153 〈註〉以下、番号はボクが勝手につけました。 1. Introduction 2. Museums, public…